Perfect Synthesis - Woltlab Suite with Google QuickStart Page-level Advertising

Woltlab CMS with integrated page-level Google Adsense QuickStart advertising

What's this?

Google Adsense absolutely controls the location, number, and type of ads on publisher websites in the desktop and mobile device modes. Tweens is also available in desktop mode, unlike the other page-level display systems.

When the blocks of the publisher's ads define that they are being integrated into the site itself, Google governs the display delivery in a manner that is independent of their own.

The publisher only has to integrate the code snippet, which can also be used for vignettes, as well as the anchor / overlay displays Implementation status, in the head area of the web page. For dynamic pages in PHP like the Woltlab Community Software this is usually "global" in a template. Then just a button in the Adsense management must be activated.

And after just a few minutes, Google Adsense delivers all kinds of display formats to the various places in the Woltlab Suite.

It's like a limitless perfect system for integrating with the Internet and Google Adsense harmonize with each other.

Because the ads are in near perfect shape in the places of the world in the case of ideal case, according to psychological aspects in design, balance, user behavior and visitor-friendliness select. Just over 70% of the QuickStart ad placements are absolutely identical to the Ads in Woltlab Administration Panel (ACP) features.

This fact can be turned as you like: either Google is perfectly tuned to the Woltlab software, or Woltlab on Google Adsense.

But Google packet on it. Adsense advertising is displayed in place of the page operators only in the sidebar boxes. After all, the advertisements are drafted in perfect form at the end of each box. Never in a box "over the fold" (visible without scrolling), invariably "under the fold" (only visible with scrolls).

Google Adsense, of course, is setting its own policy and cute little more than 3 ads per page.

Have fun and success with Woltlab and Google Adsense

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