Create Box: New posts/Recent posts

Create Box – New Posts

How to create the box β€žRecent postsβ€œ?

First you have to create a system box. You can also choose if the box will be a multilingual box or only for the standard language.

Here are all settings of the box in an overview.

The important, leading entries are shown in bold.

Name: like you want

Controller: Threads

Position: like you want

Order: like you want

CSS class: like you want (empty for me)

Show box title: yes


Maximum number: 5

Sort by: Last reply (descending)

Forum: like you want (with me: no choice)

Restrict to current forum: like you want (with me: yes)

Only topics whose last post has not yet been read: at will (with me: no)

Only topics whose first contribution has not yet been read: at will (with me: no)

Presentation: Table


Closed: like you want (with me: no choice)

Open: like you want (with me: no choice)

Announcement: like you want (with me: no choice)

Spun topic: like you want (for me: no choice)

Normal topic: like you want (with me: no choice)

Done: like you want (for me: no choice)

Not done: like you want (with me: no choice)

WoltLab Suite – Create Box – New Posts