Claiming WoltLab Core Translation

    • Official Post

    I was wondering how I can claim the free core translation

    Hi Jake, I'll add the Core license to your account.

    I wish there was a Translation like your in every language

    I'm sure we'll get WoltLab translations in the world languages as soon as possible. We work on it...

    Hola Hello ஹலோ Halo привет Hallo Salut Ciao Olá 你好 Γεια σας もしもし Pozdravljeni สวัสดี Habari ਹੈਲੋ Salve прывітанне

    • Official Post

    Now you have the license in your customer account! After adding your domain in the download area you are be able to download Spanish and Portuguese language files of the amazing WoltLab Core.

    Please don't forget to update your language files every time after WoltLab's patch day. We also update the language files max. few days after patch day.

    Lots of greets

    • Official Post

    Jake, if you add/install a new language, it's better to copy first the german language. It also works by copying the english language, but we did the same each time we started a new language translation.

    So, this is a little recommendation.

    Please read How to add and update languages – WoltLab Suite to get the correct language configuration with language codes and things like that. Also the same site in Spanish and Portuguese, no matter if you can speak the languages or not, the goal is the configuration.

  • Hello! Thank you so much for your reply!

    I installed it already but I was forced to select the English language otherwise it would have been much harder to understand the German plugins for which I don't have a translation yet and so to make it easier in case any user detect abnormalities i preferred this way, i much appreciate the tip anyway in case there will be too many problems I will surely try your way!

    I have a small problem as I don't seem to be able to load the country flag when creating the language.

    All the best!


    • Official Post

    Thanks a lot. No problem, it will work like the same by copying english language ! ! !

    load the country flag

    That's what I also saw by visiting your site half an hour ago.

    That's why I just updated my introduction How to add and update languages – WoltLab Suite.

    Please read it and follow it. You need to use the same config like in the screenshots.

    Have a lot of fun and don't hesitate by telling me if any problem occurs.

    P.S.: My name is also Marco in Italian / Spanish / Portuguese. ;)

    Hola Hello ஹலோ Halo привет Hallo Salut Ciao Olá 你好 Γεια σας もしもし Pozdravljeni สวัสดี Habari ਹੈਲੋ Salve прывітанне

  • I ok I will surely follow it now I'll delete it and start over!

    ahaha nice everybody looks up to a Marco ;)

    • Official Post

    DO you Also do requests?

    Sure. I also translated the whole VieCode Shop Software with all of the 14 extensions + Lexicon + Marketplace, the Chat of Tim (for free, because the Chat is free too), Softcreatr's plugins, actually working on plugins of CLS-Design, and doing special translations for people like you and me.

    Hola Hello ஹலோ Halo привет Hallo Salut Ciao Olá 你好 Γεια σας もしもし Pozdravljeni สวัสดี Habari ਹੈਲੋ Salve прывітанне