
  • Hello!

    I don't know if this is the right section or not but, which is the size of the standard smilies and reactions that come with WoltLab?

    all the best!

    • Official Post

    Hi Jake ,

    the size of the WoltLab Suite 5.2 reactions is 267px x 267px with 300 ppi in .svg format in high-resolution. I checked the "<3" reaction, named like.svg in default installations. Not here, and in my other communities - I changed and added some reactions.

    The emojione smileys of WoltLab Suite 5.2, 3.1 and 3.0 are divided into two groups, each with the same smileys, but in two different sizes. also called high-resolution smileys.

    The smileys of the first group have a size of 23px x 23px with a resolution of 72 ppi in .png format.

    Their larger duplicates in the second group have a size of 46px x 46px, also in 72 ppi resolution and in .png format.

    The emojione smileys can be used for high-resolution HD devices.